Actor Jon Voight Vows To Spend His Remaining Years Defending The American Way Of Life

Jon Voight, the iconic Oscar-winning actor and staunch conservative, has recently shared his resolute mission to safeguard American values as he reflects on his advancing years. Known for his powerful performances and outspoken political views, Voight has committed himself to a cause he believes is of paramount importance: preserving the traditional American way of life amidst increasing attacks on conservative principles.

In a candid interview with *Variety*, Voight declared his intention to use his remaining years to champion the values he holds dear. “I only have a few years left, and I want to spend them trying to save our American way of life,” he stated emphatically. Voight’s dedication to conservatism is not just a recent development; his activism dates back years, including his receipt of the National Medal of Arts and the National Humanities Medal from former President Donald Trump in 2019.

When asked about these prestigious awards, Voight brushed off the accolades, emphasizing his deeper commitment. “I don’t care about all that stuff,” he said. “I only have a few years left, and I want to spend them trying to save our American way of life.” This statement underscores Voight’s unwavering focus on his ideological mission rather than personal honors.

Voight expressed grave concerns about the erosion of traditional American values, describing the situation as a crisis that threatens to “slip away forever.” His fervor for defending these values is evident in his comparison of former President Donald Trump to Abraham Lincoln. Voight argued, “Absolutely. Who else has faced greater challenges and enemies since Lincoln?” His comparison reflects his belief in Trump’s pivotal role in confronting what he views as existential threats to American principles.

In a dramatic turn, Voight suggested that the recent assassination attempt on Trump was not merely a random act of violence but a divine sign. “There’s a prophet who predicted there was going to be an attempt on his life,” Voight explained. He added that this prophecy foretold Trump’s divine connection during a moment of crisis, further solidifying his view of Trump as a figure of extraordinary significance.


Following the attempt on Trump’s life, Voight has been vocal about the need for civil discourse, condemning the hostile rhetoric directed at the former president. “I’m very careful about what I say. But when I see the attacks on this man, I know they’re coming from a hateful, evil place,” Voight remarked. His comments reflect a broader critique of the current political climate, which he sees as deeply polarized and hostile towards conservative values.

Voight’s support for Trump is unwavering, especially within the entertainment industry, which he perceives as hostile to the former president. “I’ve been the most outspoken supporter of Donald Trump in Hollywood,” Voight proudly stated. His endorsement of Trump is framed as a defense against what he views as a broader cultural and political assault on traditional values.

Earlier this year, Voight reiterated his passionate support for Trump in a series of social media statements. He claimed that a Trump victory would restore the safety and prosperity of the nation, describing it as essential to combating the “barbaric animals destroying our country.” Voight’s rhetoric reflects his belief in Trump as a transformative figure capable of reclaiming America’s greatness.

Voight’s remarks are a testament to his deep-seated commitment to conservative values and his belief in Trump’s ability to effect profound change. His call to “bring back what was lost” resonates with those who share his vision of revitalizing traditional American principles. As Voight continues to champion his cause, he remains a prominent voice in the ongoing debate over the future direction of American society.
